Wednesday, September 28, 2016

12:00PM - 5:00PM
Leadership Meetings & Regional Council (TBD)
2:30PM - 5:00PM
Registration - 3rd Floor Essex Ballroom Foyer
5:00PM - 7:00PM
Welcome, Opening Speaker - Frances Frei, Storyteller - Daniel Kenary, Essex Ballroom
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Opening Reception and Dinner - Westin Copley, Turner's
9:00 PM - Midnight
After Hours Offsite - Whiskey Saigon

Thursday, September 29, 2016

6:30 AM - 7:30 AM
Yoga and Organized Run, meeting place in Essex Foyer
7:30AM - 9:00AM
Breakfast- Staffordshire and St, George, 3rd Floor Foyer
8:45AM - 10:45AM
General Session - 2 Keynote Speakers: Les McKeown, - Predictable Success, Heidi Hanna - Resilience and Storyteller - Beth Usher
10:45AM - 11:10AM
11:15AM - 12:15PM
Breakouts and Workshops, 3rd Floor and 7th floor
12:15PM - 1:15PM
Networking Lunch and Sponsor Expo
1:15PM - 2:00PM
General Session- Keynote- Dr. Robert Brooks and Storyteller - Travis Roy
2:15PM - 3:15PM
Breakouts and Workshops
3:15PM - 4:00PM
Afternoon Break - 3rd Floor Foyer
4:00PM - 5:30PM
General Session -Keynote Speaker - Ed Viesturs and Heather Abbott
5:30PM - 7:00PM
Free Time and Networking
7:00PM - 11:00PM
Dinner and Entertainment at Boston's Historic Fenway Park
After Hours

Friday, September 30, 2016

6:30AM - 7:30AM
Yoga and Organized Run
7:00AM - 8:30AM
8:30AM - Noon
Offsites - Transportation arrives and/or Meet For Walking
9:30AM -11:30AM
Onsite Workshops
11:30AM - Noon
Break and Sponsor Expo
12 Noon -1:00PM
Networking Lunch and Sponsor Expo
1:00PM - 1:30PM
General Session - Special Presentation and Breakout Previews
1:35PM - 2:35PM
Breakouts and Workshops
2:40PM - 3:40PM
Breakouts and Workshops
4:00PM - 5:30PM
Closing Keynote Speaker - Sekou Andrews and Storyteller
5:30PM -7:00PM
Networking Free Time
7:00PM -Midnight
EO NERVE Blowout Party - House of Blues